The path towards wellness

The categories of wellness listed in different colored groups. These same categories are described in the post and on the pdf image. The wellness article.

It’s easy to get stuck in a cycle of focusing on a few main priorities in our lives such as paying the bills, family obligations or watching your favorite tv show. But as you know, we are complex beings, we can easily neglect providing nutrients for our souls. In the realm of counseling there is a concept called a ‘wellness wheel’ which categorizes the basic needs for all humans. This one in particular has a provision for personal growth. Because I believe you are reading this right now because you recognize the value of personal growth.

The path towards wellness should be practical and organized

These details will lay the foundation for you to find relevance in creating a balanced life for yourself. I believe this knowledge will be very helpful for you to accomplish any goal and begin to discover hidden talents you never knew you had. Below you will find the categories that make up the wellness wheel.

Social Needs:

The needs for friendship and companionship.

Emotional Support:

The need for love, for praise, for feeling worthy.

Intellectual Needs:

The need for intellectual stimulation, thinking new thoughts, for reading and learning something new.

Financial Needs:

The need to grow in your financial literacy, have a financial plan, becoming wise and disciplined with your financial goals.

Creative Needs:

The need to make something, dance, write a poem, take an art class, improve your current talents or learn something new.

Spiritual Needs:

The need to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. Reading the Bible. The need for community, meditation, prayer, and volunteering.

Physical Needs:

The need for sleep, food, exercise. To take care of our bodies.

Personal Growth:

The primary desire to learn how to live a successful and fulfilling life. Which includes the need to know yourself, how to take care of yourself, and discover your purpose. Discovering your purpose includes the goal of learning relationship skills and helping others.

Download the Wellness Diagram PDF here

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