How to live un-offendable

A married couple having a disagreement and feeling offended. Learn how to live un-offended in this article.

When was the last time you encountered someone who seemed to be offended by you? Perhaps it is a family member, a classmate, your colleague, or that person in traffic. Maybe you haven’t done anything wrong and they’re rude to you for no apparent reason. It’s like your very existence just makes them not like you. Most often, it’s nothing we’ve done wrong, there are rude people all around us, it’s as if they just don’t want to be happy at all and want to dump all of their garbage on you. I’m sure you can think of someone like that right now who fits that description!

Who is to blame?

So consider for a moment that maybe you’ve been the transgressor. Perhaps you might have been in a season of disappointment and continual let downs and you begin to take out your dissatisfaction with life on the people around you. You begin to find fault with so many people. You’re behaving very critical, judgmental, narcistic, and potentially aggressive as well. Maybe you never thought you had these traits intertwined in your personality and have suddenly been made aware of them. These thoughts and emotions can creep into our hearts so subtly. If the source of this behavior is not resolved quickly it can lead to many years of broken relationships and compounded dissatisfaction. Life is just too short for that!

True happiness

Certainly, true happiness in life comes from being right with God and experiencing healthy relationships with those around us. We were not created to live alone and feel lonely-disconnected lives. Moreover, If you became very wealthy but lacked a deep, intimate relationship with someone you would actually be broke! Time invested with people is our most valuable asset, not money. When it’s our time to be on our death bed we’re not going to be thinking about our bank account or other trivial matters, but instead our hearts will be yearning for the people we love. Consider this truth once more: Life is too short to hold grudges, be uber critical, and so easily offended.

I hope you will invest this precious time to purge your heart and plan for joy; you owe it to yourself and those around you. Let us grow together to become… “un-offendable”.


Learn how to live un-offendable

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