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Our Purpose

We believe you have arrived here for a purpose. There are many occasions in life that seem ordinary but we believe in the extraordinary. Sometimes what we experience in our lives doesn’t seem to offer much substance or meaning. We all have hopes and dreams, and each of us can get so busy with life but perhaps every now and then we stop and wonder if there is more to life. Wherever you find yourself today, whether you’ve been searching for purpose and meaning in life there are some important truths to know while you’re on this journey.

First, there is a God and He created you for a purpose. Even if everything in your life is great or a terrible mess, God’s plan for your life has not changed.

Second, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Our days here on earth are numbered, God said He has placed eternity into our hearts, that is why we search for purpose and meaning.

Third, we are created to worship. It’s no surprise that each of us are mysteriously drawn to things that promise to fill that deep longing in our heart and soul, but soon discover that we’re still empty and unsatisfied. God is the one Who created us. Whether we like it or not, our whole being was designed to worship Him. In Him is where we’ll find true fulfillment.

Fourth, God’s Son, Jesus is the only way to God. Jesus promises love, forgiveness, and help in our time of trouble, even when it’s our fault. When you place your trust in Jesus, and learn what it means to follow Him, that is when the real journey in life begins.

Each of us at Ads4Dads encourages you to consider what you’ve read today. We’re sure the truths that were shared seemed very bold and direct but we don’t want to water down the truth. There is a spiritual battle happening all around us, and yes it may seem weird to say that but just think about the events in world history, and the current events on the news. There is a clear distinction between poor choices and evil behavior. That same evil attempts to draw us away from the truth of God. There really is a battle for our mind and soul, even at this very moment.

Sometimes God uses people to get our attention. If you have a few more minutes to spare, you owe it to yourself to watch this video from Pastor Billy Graham.

With love and respect,
-The Ads4dads team