When we want to learn a new skill, we take care to learn everything we can about that subject. Artists try different supplies and techniques to enhance their art. Musicians practice their music measure by measure, note by note, in order to memorize and perfect the song they are learning. Architects and engineers memorize and practice advanced math in order to design and build safe structures. We give our time and minds to things so that we can use them well.
King David wanted to know God. He knew in order to know God, he would need to know God’s Word, because he knew that Scripture would keep him from sinning against God. He even wrote:
“I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways.”
Psalm 119:15 ESV
This is a valuable lesson for us to learn as well: if we want to know God, to know Jesus, then we need to know God’s Word.
Why is this skill so important?
Just as we give our minds to the study of history or math, or we practice an instrument in order to play it well, we must also give our minds and time to knowing God’s Word. We should meditate on Scripture and fix our eyes on what Jesus has taught us. When we do this, we store up His wonderful Word in our hearts and it keeps us from sinning against Him.
We can know exactly what God wants and desires for us by reading Scripture.
His Word gives us boundaries, guidance, and direction. His Word shows His purposes and character. His Word reveals to us who He is, and we get to respond with joy and obedience. Although this concept may be foreign to you right now, I assure you, spending time reading the Bible and filling your mind with God’s truth will bless your life exponentially.
What will you do next?
Consider now what you’ve read and don’t take it for granted. Being inquisitive about God, our creator is the first step to developing our purpose in this life. Pursuing God and reading His Word, “the Bible” is a skill that even a child can develop. As adults, it is our responsibility to make sound decisions and consider carefully where we invest our time.
God is real. His Son Jesus is real.
Let your journey begin here
It is easy to get so caught up in this world and doubt what the Bible has to say about our time here on earth. But even though I know the truth, I encourage you to find out for yourself. I believe you are intelligent enough to discern fact from fiction and wise enough to find the answers you’ve been searching for. Let your journey begin right here, right now, and don’t stop until you’ve thoroughly investigated all of the evidence.
And speaking of evidence, if you’re interested in learning about God’s involvement in our world today and the legitimacy of the Bible, take a look at our recent article: Are you ready to learn the Bible in 24 hours? Where you’ll find a video series taught by a brilliant scholar.
This post is part of the daily devotional found in the YouVersion Bible App.
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