Is exercise really good for your health?

A woman wearing exercise clothes and stretching outside. Do you think exercise is really worth your time? Find out more in this article.

What comes to mind when you think of the word “exercise”? Are you already getting bored and perhaps not inspired to perspire? Well, I’m with you! Working out is hard work physically and psychologically. Getting motivated to hit the gym on a regular basis can be a challenge at first. Working out can really seem like a pain in the butt, (but) it’s really worth it and you owe it to yourself to be healthy, to look good, and to feel good too. But perhaps you may wonder if exercise is really worth your time, and maybe it’s easier to diet instead of working out. I’ve often thought about that myself: I suppose it is easier just to diet and do nothing else.

For a while I began to wonder if hitting the gym would really make a difference in my long-term health until I learned about Creation Life and its founder Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper.

A healthy discovery

There are many things in life we freely enjoy, many of these things have become common knowledge among our peers, yet it is important to understand and appreciate how we got to where we are. And more specifically, our understanding of health and exercise. Doctor Cooper has been a pioneer in longevity and healthy living for decades. His dedication to improving our health has led to the abundance of health & fitness knowledge that has cascaded into many areas of our lives. His passionate work in the field of health science and his demonstrated abilities in leadership & innovation are characteristics we should all aspire to achieve in our own lives. Even though many of us do not work in the medical field, I believe there are relevant insights we can learn from this amazing man.


Learn how exercise can improve your health

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