Don’t give up!

A man with a red shirt is on a track about to run but he appear to hesitate. Sometimes life can be very challenging and we become emotionally drained and ready to give up. In this latest article you'll find encouragement to NOT GIVE UP and stay focused on your goals with help from God.

Can you think of a time recently where something was so hard that you just wanted to give up, but you didn’t? Where did you draw strength from? What kept you going?

One of the most incredible parts of being a Christ-follower is that our own strength is only part of the equation. God’s strength wells up in us. Psalm 46:1 says, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” How incredible that it doesn’t say, “A sometimes present help.” He is “a very present help.”

Facing challenges

In 2 Chronicles 15, we see that Asa, King of Judah, was up against major challenges—he had been trying to refocus the nation of Judah on God after years of idolatry and war. He was facing a huge challenge! Through the prophet Azariah, God spoke this encouragement to him to build him up:

“But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.”
2 Chronicles 15:7 NIV

Finding encouragement

God knew what Asa faced. He knew every detail of the burden, and all that was at stake. God also knew the strength He could provide to someone willing to rely on Him. He didn’t say, “Good luck out there, that looks rough so don’t blow it.” He said, “But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.

Take a chance and have courage

Just as Asa heard these words and took courage, we can take courage, too. We are not alone. We can rely on God’s strength. What has been bothering you lately? Has there been financial troubles, problems at home or at work? Life certainly has its challenges. Consider taking some time to pray and ask God to give you wisdom during this difficult season. A successful life is making one good choice after the next; even though it’s difficult right now, keep doing the right thing.

The reward is coming. Don’t give up!


This post is part of the daily devotional found in the YouVersion Bible App.


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Resources: Reasons NOT to give up

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