Are you ready to chase your dreams?

A young boy running along a beach holding a kite. Learn how to chase your dreams in this latest article from

If you think back to your childhood maybe your imagination was easier to turn on and you were passionately creating an awesome world for yourself. Fast forward a few decades and you might find yourself a little apathetic with a negative imagination. No doubt the older we get we’ll have more challenges to face, more hardships, and maybe even sad events from the past that we continue to relive. That is why encouragement is such a necessary step towards chasing your dreams. If you are reading this right now that means you’re alive and still have a chance to do BIG things.

It’s a new day

Don’t let yesterday’s disappointments tarnish the potential you have today, miracles still happen but you must get your mind in the right place. I’ve had my share of hardships but I’m also focusing on the future and working to create something special, a positive and more fulfilling life. I believe it’s possible and I encourage you to believe it with me! 

It’s time for a change

For the past three years I’ve been on a journey to fill my mind with positive truths, and I’m definitely not the man I was back then! I am a lot more positive, optimistic, and I have a thankful attitude. These are the qualities of great leaders, businessmen, and entrepreneurs. Therefore, it’s imperative that we also share these qualities in order to reach our potential. I believe you’re reading this for a reason. If you’ve ever felt stuck with no opportunities, I know that you’ve probably felt horrible and hopeless. And to add to the frustration you may see some of your friends and family living an awesome life with not a care in the world. If that’s you, I feel your pain. I don’t know how long that season will last for but I want to encourage you that it is just a “season”.

A season of growth

Let this time of your life change you for the better and not the worst. Make a daily effort to remain positive and have a good attitude. You may not see a change over night but I promise you things will certainly begin to change. And most importantly, your behavior will have a lasting positive effect on those around you. You can leave a legacy without even realizing it!

I hope you’ll join me on this journey of personal growth and encouragement.
Here’s what I’ve been listening to for the past three years on Sirius XM: Channel 63, 128, and 460. If you don’t have a subscription you can listen here…


Final words of encouragement

Many years ago I found this excellent article written by a man propelled by adventure and pushes himself to chasing his dreams. I’ve been reading his story every year to keep myself in check, I’d say it’s been working! When you’re finished watching the videos below, I highly recommend reading this awesome story from Matt Prior: How to stop wasting time and start living your best life, right now

Are you ready to chase your dreams? Lets Do This!


Excellent Resources 

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