Becoming a successful day trader. Part 1

An Apple desktop computer next to an Apple laptop. On the desk is an open note pad and a pen to take notes and learn. Let's talk about the benefit of day trading today.

As I wrote in my last post “Let’s Talk About Day Trading” I mentioned my journey of just getting started and learning about day trading so now I’d like to share everything I’ve learned so far and help you get a head start. First of all, you really can make big bucks from day trading, how do I know this? Well, I’ve witnessed first-hand all of the possibilities and I’ve also been told by a few close friends that they know of people who are successful day traders and they’ve made millions! So, let’s talk about becoming a successful day trader.

So what’s their secret?

Well, here’s what I’ve been told so far. The one person my friend told me about is an older gentleman who only traded Apple stock. And for the other gentleman I was not told what he traded but what I was told is that he made a point to put a lot of money on the table for a one tick move in the market. If someone would have told me this early last year I would probably pretend like I knew exactly what they’re talking about but would honestly not have a clue.

However, since I have more experience day trading I know exactly what they are talking about, let me explain. So the first gentleman, since he’s older that tells me he is someone who never gave up learning new ways to make money and the stock market is no exception. His wiliness to persevere has proven itself over time, his system has been tested by time and refined year after year.

So, maybe you’re wondering, “why Apple stock?” Well, that was his thing, more specifically it’s called an instrument, Apple was his instrument of choice, he learned its ups and downs, seasonal movements, most likely watched news, read reports, and maybe focused on production numbers and company revenue, etc. With all things considered… he found something that worked for him and he stuck with it, and it paid off.

Finding your sweet spot

Now it’s our turn to find something similar too! Lord willing we’ll find our go-to instrument.

Now moving on to the second gentleman, if you recall I mentioned “one tick move”? Well if you’re not familiar yet with charts and trading platforms that’s ok, to simplify this concept think of a tick as a one dollar bill, if the stock price moves up by one dollar that would be “one tick”, if you setup your trading platform to sell all of your shares if the market moves “one tick” then your order executes by itself and you walk away safely with your earnings. The idea for this gentleman was being ‘in-and-out’, his strategy was limiting his exposure, but his power play was huge because he had thousands and sometimes millions on the line. This man is a professional trader, something anyone can become if they chose to persevere.

In the meantime we have to start somewhere, that is why I learn and practice with Apex’s help. If you haven’t checked them out yet, I encourage you to take the next step, start today and check out Apex Trader Funding. If you decide to sign up for an account use coupon code “TODZFJAF” to save yourself some money. You can also click the banner below.


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To learn more about Day Trading check out the next article: Becoming a successful day trader. Part 2

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