I have been a believer in Jesus for the majority of my life. Through the years I’ve faced many challenges and decades of disappointments, but I’ve still held onto my faith. I recognize that life is not perfect, and that God’s perfect plan can look very different than what I would have imagined for myself.
It’s been tough to see friends, family, and other people around me seem to not have any issues while easily achieving all of their hopes, dreams, and goals. But that is their story, and I have my own. I have learned to do my best to trust God when things don’t turn out right and when I don’t feel hopeful. But to be honest, it can still be difficult to trust God. I suppose that’s just our human nature.
Why I seek God
For all of the difficulties I’ve faced throughout my life, I’ve noticed a pattern within myself that I hadn’t recognized until lately. I’m not exactly sure when or how, but for a long time I’ve had a profound sense of God’s power at work in this world. I am not the most spiritual or religious of believers, yet I have a natural inclination to go directly to my creator when a problem arises.
A reason for Prayer and Fasting
As a believer in Jesus, I know that my time here on earth is short, however, I also know that I have a destiny to fulfill. Sometimes I think it’s easy to get stuck in complacency and not grow in my faith when things in life are going smoothly. But smooth or not, I am aware of a deeper need to reach out to my creator and even help a few people along the way. Because of that desire, prayer and fasting becomes a powerful force that can help realign our lives with God’s plan and purpose.
I have sought fasting and prayer many times, and for various reasons. Every time I’ve done it, I’ve matured and grown spiritually. This is a practice that I hope every believer would accomplish throughout their walk of faith. And since I’ve witnessed how effective it can be, I have complied this practical guide to assist you on your journey to becoming closer to God and discover His plan for your life.
How to pray
When developing a prayer focus, keep it simple and specific rather than drafting up a wish list of prayers you want answered. Instead, write out the top two or three things that are most pressing on your heart. Be open to hearing what God wants to show you in those areas, knowing that the breakthroughs, miracles, and answers will be a byproduct of drawing closer to Jesus.
Pray prayers of total surrender, aim to glorify God, and make knowing Jesus your primary goal. Focusing first on His character will allow you to see everything else through that lens.
Set a time and place to pray daily. Don’t overcomplicate this! Just talk to God. If you don’t plan to pray, you won’t be disciplined. If you find it challenging to disconnect from the busyness of your day: try engaging in worship music to prepare your heart for prayer. If you can’t think of what to say during your prayer time, consider this model.
Prayer model
Adoration: Praise God for Who He is!
Confession: Admit your sins and ask for forgiveness.
Thanksgiving: Thank God for what He has already done.
Supplication: Present your prayer requests to God.
How to fast
Usually, when I fast it might be one day only. But, when I am seeking God for help and nothing seems to change, I’ll dedicate an entire month to fasting and prayer. In my desperation for a solution, I’ll do whatever it takes to get God’s attention. Fasting in itself can be nothing special and it may seem like a waste of time but for some reason it has spiritual implications, and God sees that act as striving for His intervention. And He responds.
For thirty days, consider doing the Daniel Fast -no meat, no bread, no dessert. If you would like to go deeper (which can be very beneficial), you may also choose something unique and personal to fast, such as TV, social media, or anything that will specifically stretch or challenge you.
“So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and He answered our prayer.” Ezra 8:23
How to begin
Fasting requires reasonable precautions for those with health concerns. Please consult your physician prior to beginning your fast, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions, are taking medication, are pregnant, or nursing a baby.
The key to finishing strong is to begin strong. Stay encouraged, write down your plan and be open to the possibility of having to modify your fast for medical or personal reasons.
Do not allow what you choose to eat or “not” eat become the focus. Keep your purpose focused on God while disconnecting from your regular patterns and habits in order to connect to Him more closely.
We are all in different places in life. Our careers, daily schedules, health conditions, and personal walk with God can each present various levels of demands on our time and energy. Whether you have fasted before or this is your first time, just begin where you are. While your fast should present a level of challenge, it’s very important to know your own body and follow what the Holy Spirit leads you to do. Just keep in mind, the goal of fasting is not just to abstain from food. The goal is to draw near to God.
Fasting Tips
In preparation for your chosen duration of prayer and fasting here are some helpful tips that will make your journey successful. The following information is prepared just for you. Prayerfully consider how it “may” or “may not” apply to your personal circumstances and convictions.
Begin and end well. Prepare your body before beginning the fast. If needed, transition into your fast for a week to avoid upsetting your stomach. The same principle applies to breaking your fast. When your fast is over, gradually add foods to your diet. For example, it may not be wise to break your fast with a greasy cheeseburger, French fries, a soda, and a huge slice of cheesecake.
Consult your doctor. If you’re nursing, pregnant, have an eating disorder, or suffer from a pre-existing health condition. Fasting certain foods or changing your nutritional diet drastically may not be a safe, healthy, or wise choice for you. Consider modifying your meals to meet your dietary restrictions and/or sacrificing something such as television shows, movies, or social media.
Plan out your meals ahead of time. Determine what each day and week will look like. Keep your fridge and pantry stocked with the items you need. Set your personal guidelines ahead of time.
Maintain your energy throughout the day. Eat or drink smaller portions every two and a half to three hours. Depriving yourself can cause an energy deficiency and the desire to overeat at your next meal.
Drink a lot of water. About one hundred ounces of water per day will support your critical liver function as it filters the body. Not drinking enough water can stop the liver from functioning at its highest capacity. So please stay hydrated!
Attend church as often as possible. Being around other believers throughout the week offers accountability and encourages you to keep going when fasting gets difficult. This includes regular service, small groups or prayer groups.
Select food items wisely. Prepare to have a plan ahead of the fast. Don’t get legalistic about it, instead, be intentional. Stick to whole foods as much as you can and limit artificial ingredients. Being unprepared will place you on the path of being tempted to quit. As a result, don’t allow food to become the focus of your fast.
Don’t get discouraged even if you mess up. Get right back on track and keep going!God’s mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23). He wants you to finish, and He will give you the grace and strength to do it, and do it well. So don’t give up!
Types of fasts
Normal Fast: Going without food of any kind for a certain number of days and having no other beverage except water. Depending on the length of the normal fast, you may also choose to consume clear broth and juices to maintain strength.
Partial Fast: A partial fast usually involves giving up particular foods and drinks for an extended period. The most common example is Daniel’s fast, where he refused to eat choice meats and sweets from the king’s table, asking instead that he may eat vegetables and only drink water.
Soul Fast: Some Christians use the word ‘fast” when abstaining from pleasures besides food, like TV, internet, various form of entertainment, outings, etc. And for married couple it might be sex. During this time, whatever you believe in your heart that God may want you to abstain from, be sincere with your sacrifice to Him.
What is the Daniel Fast?
The Daniel Fast is an extremely effective model to follow. With a healthy balance of spiritual focus and bodily discipline, benefits also include purification of the body and soul. Although it is one of the most commonly referred-to -fasts, there is still room for broad interpretation.
The book of Daniel documents two separate accounts where the prophet Daniel fasted. We read in chapter one that he only ate vegetables and drank water. Meanwhile, in chapter ten, it states that Daniel ate no rich (or choice) foods such as meat and wine. When referenced together, we can see that either of these or combinations of the two, constitute a Daniel Fast.
Participation in the Daniel Fast means you’re primarily allowed to eat fruits and vegetables; completely abstaining from meat, bread, and dessert (sugars) for the entire duration. Allowing for starchy vegetables and dairy is an individual decision.
Why I read the Bible
When I first dedicated my life to becoming closer to God, I made it a point to read the Bible as much as I could. At first, I would read a verse or two and really focus on it throughout the day. I did my best to comprehend what I read and what God wanted me to know. As time passed, I developed a better understanding of the Bible and experienced an unusual desire to read more as there was a sense of closeness I felt with God.
By reading the Bible, there were certain stories and verses that really touched my heart and helped me in so many areas of my life. The changes that took place within me were significant and I know they would not have occurred if I had read some other book! God’s Word really is alive, and He speaks to us through it. It is a confounding mystery that I learned to accept. But beyond that mystery, it’s what He had planned from the very beginning.
God speaks to all of us in so many different ways, nevertheless, it is always His Word, the Bible, that He most often uses to instruct our minds so that we are not just wondering around by our feelings. God wants us to be educated and knowledgeable about His Word. Because, once we truly understand how much He loves us… His relentless grace given to us… we will never be the same!
Why you should read the Bible
Daily Bible reading is a vital discipline. In addition to prayer and fasting, reading your Bible is essential for connecting with God in a powerful way. Because god’s Word is living and active, reading it allows us to engage in His presence, draw closer to His character, and posture ourselves to hear from Him directly.
Once again, as with prayer and fasting, designate a daily time and place to read your Bible. Being prepared to hear what He wants to tell you will help you get the most out of your devotional time with God.
Here are three notable things to remember:
1. Read consistently
Don’t bite off more than you can chew and certainly don’t compare your “performance” with that of others. It is better to read a litter every day than to knock out two hours of Bible reading in one sitting unless you really have the desire to do so. If you miss a few days, pick up at the next reading, but stay with it and don’t give up. The key is to keep it simple and sustainable.
2. Read prayerfully
Talk to God as you are reading. Don’t rush through. Leave space for pauses where you can ask God about parts of the text you may not understand. Reading prayerfully goes both ways, making space and time to talk to God while giving Him time and space to talk to you! Meditating on God’s Word is just as important as reading it.
3. Read expectantly
Foster an attitude of expectancy as you partake in the Bread of Life. Believe that God is going to speak to you through His Word. Meditate on what God shows you by recording thoughts in your journal. Maximize your devotional time by using the SOAP method – a simple, yet practical, approach to journaling.
If you would like to learn more about the Bible, take a look at this incredible video series. We promise you won’t be disappointed! Click here: Are you ready to learn the Bible in 24 hours?
What is the SOAP method?
The SOAP method is used for Bible-reading. It helps you go beyond the words and apply Scripture to your life. This method can be used with any daily Bible-reading plan.
Here’s how the SOAP method works:
S for Scripture. Read prayerfully. Note which scriptures catch your attention and mark it in your Bible. When you’re done, reread the verse(s) you marked and look for the one that particularly speaks to you. Write it in your journal.
O for Observation. Focusing on the scripture, tune in and listen to what God is saying to you through His Word. What do you find so unique about this scripture? And why is it getting your attention? What does God want to reveal to you or teach you? Ask the Holy Spirit to be your guide and show you what God is saying.
A for Application. Think of how this verse(s) applies to your life right now. Perhaps it is instruction, encouragement, revelation of a new promise, or correction for a particular area of your life. Use your journal to write how this Scripture applies to you today.
P for Prayer. Wrap up your SOAP time in prayer. Talk to God about what you’ve just read. This can be as simple as thanking Him for revealing a truth from Scripture, or it may be asking Him for greater insight or wisdom as to how it applies to your life. Remember, prayer is all about relationship. It’s a two-way conversation, so be sure to listen to what God has to say.
Beyond the fast
Think of how far you’ve come, and be just as intentional about your fast as you transition out of it. Focus on maintaining that enthusiasm afterwards. As long as the fire and zeal for God is burning in your heart, your relationship with Him will be fresh and new.
Turn your deep desire to experience God into a discipline by serving and obeying Him daily. Knowing that the joy of your salvation is perpetual, can help you stay firm in your walk, regardless of what life brings your way. The prayer, fasting, and personal devotion you have practiced are all simple principles that you can incorporate long-term into your everyday life.
This fast has been all about creating space for God to fill. The best way to sustain this Christ-centered lifestyle is to keep that space open indefinitely. Don’t allow it to close up! Protect that time and make God your priority each day.
Establish a frequency and consistency of fasting and stick to it; just like maintaining Bible reading, church attendance, or a prayer-filled life. Fasting is a lifestyle. This is not a legalistic thing, it’s an important part of the process.
This is an “I get to experience God” opportunity. It is like going into heaven for a tune-up, so we can keep our passion for God and our enjoyment of Him at a high level. Figure out what works for you, commit to it, and make it a part of your life forever.
Don’t ever settle for anything less than a life of full of passion and spiritual zeal for God. Keep the fire for God burning in your heart and do whatever it takes to feed your spiritual hunger for Him.
Fasting for the sake of drawing near to God is an admirable pursuit. When we alter our lives to connect with God it is by-far one of the best things we can do in our human existence. As you can imagine, this type of desire to seek God is often not common, so when it happens run with it and as they say… Strike while the iron is hot! Pursue God and pursue righteousness.
When you’re ready to begin the Daniel Fast, you will find hundreds of recipes online such as veggie soup, baked dishes, and other healthy snacks.